What Is Plumbing Code?

Plumbing Code

Do you know how the local plumbing code in your area works?  Virtual Plumbing Assistant does! 

plumbing code inspection

The system of water pipes and plumbing fixtures and other mechanisms in your home allows you to enjoy all of the modern amenities that safe plumbing provides.  However there is very good reason professional plumbers are licensed and/or certified.

When it comes to plumbing, health and safety is paramount.  For this reason, plumbing code was created and enforced by local city and town inspections.

Many states follow the core International Plumbing Code (IPC) and adapt local code requirements at a local level.  Here in New York State, the code is published for anyone to view.

You Can Do It Yourself!

Code enforcement in most cases does NOT require a homeowner to be a professional plumber or restrict a homeowner from doing their own repairs or upgrades.  Code DOES require anyone to perform plumbing correctly accoring to established code standards.

Plumbing Safety

Perfoming your own plumbing upgrades or repairs without knowledge of or observing current plumbing code could potentially be unsafe or disasterous!

Allow Virtual Plumbing Assistant to guide you with matters of plumbing code and help keep you and your family safe.

Virtual Plumber Advantages

Let’s take a quick look at what you can expect when you contact Virtual Plumbing Assistant:

  • Fast! Get plumbing questions answered fast.  No waiting for a plumber to arrive.
  • Available 7 days!  I’m here 12pm to 9pm (EST) seven days a week.  I even offer after-hour appointments in advance.  Many plumbers work a typical Monday through Friday 9 to 5 work day and charge extra for plumbing emergencies on off hours.
  • Convenient and safe! Let your phone or tablet camera be my eyes.  I never need to set foot in your home.
  • Affordable!  Starting at $55 for the first half hour, it may in some cases only take that long to determine your plumbing problem and a course of action for the repair.  Compare that to a plumber who typically charges at least $200 just to show up!
  • Pro plumbing help! Perfect for the DIYer who just needs some professional plumbing advice or plumbing code guidance.
  • Ask questions, get answers!  While it can be nice to search YouTube for plumbing solutions, you aren’t going to be able to ask questions during your video.  I have decades worth of plumbing experience and customer service and I am ready to offer you support.​